From January until May 2022 an interactive sound sculpture by Benoît Maubrey is operating at a public place near the Prater and it’s famous giant wheel in Vienna. The sculpture is built of an array of historical radios and speakers in the form of a plague column, it is connected to the internet and the public can interact in various ways with the sculpture. This does reflect the last two years of the covid pandemic and is titled STREAMERS – a COVID Sculpture.

From March to May there four events take place where Tonspur invited sound artists to use the sculpture as a PA and perform live sets with and through it. I was invited for such a live set, together with my old friend Peter Szely on March 20, 2022.
All these events where streamed and you can watch the recorded live stream again here. As you can see, it was a very chilly evening in Vienna but still great fun and a great experience to use this astonishing piece of art for a sonic journey.